Certified Piano Marvel Teacher


There are many reasons why I chose Piano Marvel as the ideal piano teaching app, but probably the most important one is the learning community around it. When you connect to Piano Marvel, you do not only have to the wonderfull AI of an adaptive learning system, but to a world wide community of teachers and peers who follow the same standards and share a passion.

Did you know that Piano Marvel was originally designed by piano teachers with the purpose to improve their teaching? Piano Marvel is not simply a tool for learning piano online for self-learners, left alone with such subjective matters as dynamics, musicality, and expression, and it is not simply a platform for teaching online lessons. It takes the best out of technology, virtualization and interpersonal relationship for an integral and wholistic learning approach at your own pace.

Every week, we as teachers meet to share our experiences and to increase our teaching skills and use technology in a creative way.

It is all an honour to me to be a certified Piano Marvel Teacher!

Tabea Hirzel

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